Online surveys are also very useful to use. Surveys are main goal is to collect information in a unbiased way. The information that is retrieved from these surveys can be used to understand the thought, feelings, and understanding of certain subjects. One good rule to follow when writing a survey is to keep the questions from being slanted that would cause a different answer. This causes false results in the survey making it inaccurate. Another good rule is to have a variety of survey takers. If there is only one kind of survey taker then the results will also be slanted. Such as if the survey is conducted only during work hours then many people who work will be left out of the survey, once again causing the survey to be inaccurate. Surveys can be use in the classroom by helping the teacher see how much the students already know about a subject or just a overall understanding of the students knowledge.
Both Personal Digital Assistants and Online Surveys are very helpful in the classrooms but in two different ways. One, the PDA, allows the students to learn. The other, Online Surveys allow the teacher to learn about the students. Both very useful to allow optimal learning.
Yuen, S., & Yuen, P. K. (2003). PDAs as Educational Power Tools. (cover story). Tech Directions, 62(9), 14. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.